My New Favourite FTP Program!

Posted by Scotsman on October 11, 2008 in Geek Stuff |

If you’ve ever run a website, no doubt you’ve had to use an FTP program at one time or other. From when I first started using them, I used WS_FTP.  This was a great program for awhile, however by the time we entered this century it started to show its age.  A few years ago I decided to switch.  I tried out pretty much all FTP Programs out there, including the likes of CuteFTP and SmartFTP.

I finally settled on, and paid for FlashFXP.  It was a great program, very fast and slick.  However lately I’ve had a lot of problems with it – mainly when it came to overwriting files.  It has a “technology” in it where you can upload 10 files, and if 1 of the files currently existing on the server is the same as the one you’re uploading, it’d skip it.  Great idea in theory – but the formula it used was basically “IF NEW FILE SIZE = OLD FILE SIZE THEN SKIP” which sucked if you had made a minor change.  Like if you had changed your password from “1234” to “5678” on a wordpress config file – yep, it’d skip that.  And then it started forgetting the formula, and just plain refusing to overwrite.  I even told it to overwrite every fucking time, and I still got that _ files skipped message after every transfer.

So I went out again looking for the best FTP Program, and I finally found FileZilla.  Seriously, if you need an FTP program switch to FileZilla.  The interface is smooth, and it does everything you want while remaining very simplistic.  Oh plus it is open source(and thus free), and those sort of projects should ALWAYS be supported.  So if you’re looking for the best FTP program, get Filezilla.

I should note – I don’t earn anything for plugging them or anything.  I just like to throw in my support when I find a quality program like that.

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