XBox Update: May 2022

Posted by Scotsman on April 30, 2022 in XBox |

This month started a little bit messed up as my mum and 4 year old nephew were visiting from Scotland and I spent a weekend in Toronto with my daughter.

I ended up starting Microsoft Sudoku just to have a game on my phone to get an achievement per day. Funnily enough for years I have tried to get into Suduoku the game and failed. Now? I am freaking HOOKED on it. Anyway that is super cool and makes me glad I am doing this daily challenge.

I even bought the yearly ad-free sub for it as I am really enjoying it. I also get double the XP which is quite helpful. I went through and played every single daily challenge for that achievement and had a ton of fun doing it.

I also played through Streets of Rage 4 and got that beat and all misc achievements. A lot of fun. Pity it is leaving gamepass. I’d be motivated at some point to go through that again if it comes back and get the “beat the game with different characters” achievement as I had a lot of fun with it.

Funny story – I accidently clicked on Minesweeper and it loaded up and gave me 4 achievements for it. Had never played it before must be from an older version anyway guess I got that to go through now too!

Also my buddy Brando saw his achievement streak end at 800 days so I am going to try and run with this until 801 days just because I’m a twat like that.

April 1st: Sudoku – 3.
April 2nd: Sudoku – 1.
April 3rd: Family Feud – 2.
April 4th: Sudoku – 1.
April 5th: Sudoku – 1.
April 6th: Sudoku – 1.
April 7th: Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed – 2.
April 8th: Sudoku – 1.
April 9th: Golf With Your Friends – 1.
April 10th: Suduko – 3.
April 11th: Sudoku – 2.
April 12th: Sudoku – 2.
April 13th: Sudoku – 1.
April 14th: Race with Ryan – 1.
April 15th: Race with Ryan: – 1.
April 16th: Race with Ryan – 1. It’s Quiz Time – 1.
April 17th: Sega Mega Drive Classics – 1.
April 18th: Sonic Racing – 1. Streets of Rage 4 – 5.
April 19th: Streets of Rage 4 – 13.
April 20th: Streets of Rage 4 – 1.
April 21st: Sudoku – 1.
April 22nd: Streets of Rage 4 – 1.
April 23rd: Streets of Rage 4 – 1.
April 24th: Streets of Rage 4 – 1.
April 25th: Mahjoing Windows – 1.
April 26th: Sudoku – 1.
April 27th: Minesweeper – 4.
April 28th: Minesweeper – 1.
April 29th: Minesweeper – 1.
April 30th: Streets of Rage 4 – 13. Sudoku – 2.

Gamerscore: 309,748 (+1325)
TA Score: 518,684 (+2519)
Achievements: 13,092 (+52)
TA Ratio: 55.47% (+0.09%)
100% Games: 122

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